Dynamic vs Static Stability, Stable vs Unstable Surface or Why Use the Tendo Barbell De-Stabilizer?

In recent years, there has been increased emphasis on performing resistance exercises in unstable body positions. Because sports skills are often performed in unstable body positions, these types of resistance exercises have been widely promoted as being sports specific. Resistance exercises performed in unstable body positions have been hypothesized to increase the muscular strength and muscular endurance of the core musculature, which may translate to more powerful and efficient movement patterns and less risk of injury.
Researches support the effectiveness of resistance exercises performed on unstable surfaces for increasing core muscle activation but in untrained or recreationally trained individuals. These findings may not be applicable to elite athletes. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the body does not improve its ability to balance on a steady surface by practicing on an unstable surface.

For example

Behm et al. (6) demonstrated that for the most experienced players, hockey skating speed was not significantly related to wobble board balance. These results indicate that performing balance exercises on a wobble board, which requires a high level of static balance, may not transfer to hockey skating speed, which requires a high level of dynamic balance. These results can be applied to other sports in that the optimal approach to improve balance for any given skill is to practice the actual skill on the same surface on which the skill is performed during competition.

Stanton, Reaburn, and Humphries (20) demonstrated that for basketball and rugby athletes, six weeks of Swiss ball training significantly improved core stability when tested with the Swiss ball prone core stability test, but did not improve running performance.

The surfaces on which most sports are played do not resemble a Swiss ball or a wobble board. The majority of sports are played while standing on a solid and level surface. Therefore, the principle of specificity would dictate that resistance exercises designed to develop sports specific stability should also be performed while standing on a solid and level surface

Based on the principle of specificity and utilizing the Tendo Barbell De-Stabilizer for free weight exercises performed while standing on a solid and level surface might be effective for developing the type of stability needed for most sports. By performing resistance exercises in this manner, muscular overload is not greatly reduced; this allows for strength, core endurance, and sports specific stability to be developed simultaneously.